Archive for July, 2004

July 22, 2004
The Big Backyard

If, at any time, you notice that you have enough playlists in your iTunes sources to cause a scrollbar to appear, you may just have too many. It might be time to tone it down some, y’know? Slow down there. But that is an aside from the real issue at hand: be glad that you […]

July 19, 2004

The best just got better. Of perhaps a more useful nature is the updated software, including a main menu item to shuffle songs. Oh, wait. Actually, I just tried to update my iPod with that new software, and as it turns out, you need the 4G Pod for that. Bummer. [ | | | | […]

July 19, 2004
I, Robot

While certainly not the most amazing movie ever, I, Robot will probably not leaving you wearing someone else’s underwear. The special effects were pretty good, if possibly overdone and slightly undercooked. This is a movie where you need to suspend your disbelief to make it good. Obviously this has to happen with most movies, but […]

July 16, 2004

In a nod to traditional websites, I now have a links page. However, the way it works is that the hotbox to the right there selects three or so links randomly from the collection (soon to be large) and shows them. If you want more, then you can go to the links page. The only […]

July 16, 2004
Movable Type Redux

At this point, after messing around with Movable Type some more, the question that arises in my mind is why I didn’t convert to it before. The analogy I can come up with off the top of my head is this: Imagine that you have to get across the Pacific ocean, and the only method […]