Archive for January, 2005

January 31, 2005
The AX Effect

You are probably already aware that my roommate owns a plasma tv. One does not typically envision this sort of television without an accompanying sound system that does justice to it, however, we were stuck for a long time with stereo. Over break, the same roommate dropped a couple hundred dollars and bought a 5.1 […]

January 26, 2005

At some point in your life, you will be tempted to purchase a product with a pricetag that you’re pretty sure is less than what the product should be worth. In this case you should sit down, think carefully, perhaps indulge in a beverage of your choice, but ponder nonetheless the decision you are about […]

January 25, 2005

I went to the elevator today, punched the button, and noted an odd scent. As I was waiting for the elevator to make its slow and ponderous way up to my floor (hooray for hydraulics…), I had nothing better but to examine the scent. My first conclusion was that it was the chemicals they use […]

January 21, 2005
Bacterium 2.0

Apple sent me some new buddy icons for you to use. This follows quickly (and aptly) on the heels of my earlier post about viral marketing, which I think really is going to become the next buzzword. You should be able to just grab a frame of the animated ones if you don’t want the […]

January 21, 2005
Da Club

While I was hangin’ around out there in Denvah a coupla weeks ago, my school decided to go out to dinner somewhere, the where of which turned out to be Two-Fisted Mario’s Pizza, and the some of which turned out to be “not bad, like ten bucks?”. They put us on the bar side because […]