Archive for March, 2005

March 29, 2005

Listen, I don’t know if you can appreciate this or not, I’m fully confident that some of you won’t be able to. Please hear me out before you pass judgement: I’m now using a program called DarkAdapted, which cuts gamma levels to preserve dark adaptation. Yes, all of the light emanating from my monitors is […]

March 23, 2005
America the Beautiful

America is a wonderful place. Let me explain to you. The teacher for my technical writing class is something of a hardass. I don’t mind, it’s good for me. He’s one of those guys who’s worked umpteen million years in an industry, risen to the top, gotten bored, gone on to another industry, risen to […]

March 16, 2005

I just had a really fabulous cup of Earl Gray. I had not previously experienced the tea, but being at home without my English breakfast tea as I am, I had to drink what was in the cupboard, which turned out to be about eighty kinds of herbal and a disused, forgotten box of Earl […]

March 9, 2005

I’m sitting in this sort of lounge area in one of my classroom buildings. I’ve been cruising the web for the past hour since I got out of class, looking at everything from dry erase wall paint (no such animal, sadly) to single user mode without restarting (just type sudo kill 1 at the command […]

March 4, 2005

I just arrived at our weekend Campus Rep training event. We’re all sitting around a conference table, and every single person has a PowerBook, and everyone is on Rendezvous, and we’ve all got iPods… someone’s playing the 90’s one-hit-wonders playlist. It is burning my soul with Apple-ness. I feel like Steve’s RDF is eating my […]