Archive for June, 2005

June 16, 2005

Did I mention that we have a soda machine here that dispenses various forms of caffeinated and un-caffeinated beverages for the low low price of twenty-five cents? It is a fact that I take advantage of rather often. While scrounging for quarters in my car, I realized that I had ten dollars in quarters alone […]

June 14, 2005
Office Space

I had my first ever departmental meeting today! I will say nothing of it besides that, if you have ever had a departmental meeting, you know what those three hours were like. We have an office wide meeting on Friday. The radiator joint called today. Price quote is $150, which is a lot of money […]

June 13, 2005
The Leak

It’s interesting how things fail just when it seems like nothing could go wrong. For example: If somebody decides that they want to pay you obscene amounts of money to perform a job that you would probably be performing in your spare time for free, that’s cool. It gets better when you find out that […]

June 3, 2005
Quantity is Job One

If you ever spend all day programming, and at the end you come to a stopping point where you think you’ve got the main features implemented and the glaring bugs worked out, and now you’d like to have somebody play with the software to see what comes up, then consider this: Wait until tomorrow. Wait […]