Archive for October, 2004

October 30, 2004
Roper is Dumb

I went to see Roper in concert tonight. Does everyone remember Five Iron Frenzy? Of course you do. Well, as it turns out, they broke up a while ago (beginning of this year? sounds about right). This Reese Roper kid was the lead singer and he started his own spinoff band called, amazingly, Roper. It […]

October 23, 2004

it’s all fucked up, being reserved and quiet she doesn’t understand the message that you send [ | | | | ]

October 22, 2004
That Thing Called Life

I let somebody borrow my PowerBook for the night to do some video editing (hm… should I count this as hours?) and I am stuck using this POS Wintel box. The keyboard sucks on it, I’m having such a hard time typing with any measure of clarity. The other thing is that I have come […]

October 17, 2004
The Essence of Wealth

I went to bed at seven in the morning last night. Woke up at noon-thirty, bummed around for a bit, then went back to bed at five. Woke up at eight. Consequently, although it’s now 3:30 in the morning, I feel like it’s about eight at night. And because we replaced most of our lighting […]

October 15, 2004
No Use for a Name

Okay, so if you know me (and chances are, if you’re reading this, you do), then you know that I do not buy CDs any more. They are passé, blasé, and relics from the past. MP3s and associated formats have completely revolutionized everything we know about the music industry, turning it on its ear. When […]