Archive for February, 2005

February 28, 2005

You might find this interesting. I know I did. Before Before After After [ | | | | ]

February 28, 2005

I was reading Penny Arcade, and Tycho linked to Tycho also has a good discussion about some general webism stuff, so read that. But I was cruising around on kottke, and I found this list of affronts that the Sun has committed against us. It’s very humorous. More to come later! Big news! Don’t […]

February 21, 2005
Pure Mean Heartedness

I was cruising the web several weeks ago, I don’t even remember what for, and I found this guy’s blog. (Yeah, imagine that.) On this blog, he linked to this picture, which can only be described as bad parenting. I’ve had that link lying on my desktop for like a month now, meaning to post […]

February 19, 2005

I don’t pretend to know much about the English. Other people usually bag on them because, I don’t know, it’s just what you do, like going to church on Sunday. From what I understand, the English don’t know much about food — you can go to England and expect to eat fish and chips (some […]

February 5, 2005

Do you remember that one time, it was a good while ago, when I brought you that excerpt of text at fabulous expense? As it happens, I found another one of those things. Now, I don’t normally do this, right? It’s only the second time, because it really costs a lot in licensing fees and […]