Archive for January, 2006

January 28, 2006
You dance like you’re on extasy. Are you on ex? No? Oh, you should be.

Because I want to let you know how much cooler I am than you, I will expose the fact that I am currently hosting a hardcore techno rave. Location: My desk. I am the only one in attendance. There was more to this post, a lot more, but when I started writing it I forgot […]

January 25, 2006
On Cake and Gypsy Punk

Have you ever been so cold that you started laughing? That happened to me last night after the Cake concert. We got into the car and I was shaking and, for whatever reason, it was really funny and I couldn’t stop laughing. I believe now that it was a reflex to cause muscle activity that […]

January 21, 2006
Out-of-Band Experience

Do you ever have those light-headed moments when you look down and suddenly think, “I can’t believe I have legs. That is the weirdest thing in the world.” Or like, “Whoa, look at my arm. That thing is attached to me. Not only that, but I can move it, too.” Because that never, ever happens […]

January 20, 2006

After nearly a year and a half, the next release of iTunesCheck (0.91) seems to be ready. I can’t even begin to describe what’s changed since 0.8, it’s been so long since that went out on the web and I develop so sporadically (sporadic motion, see?). This release seems to work well with Tiger, and […]

January 15, 2006

I had some time today so I went through and updated a few things on the site I’d been meaning to do for a while. Among them are that I slightly updated the single post page (it now correctly shows paragraph indentations), added previous age links to the bottom of this page (scroll all the […]