Archive for October, 2007

October 29, 2007
(ChristmasList::2007 [beta 1]).release There are a couple of issues still, most notably that the help is still from last year’s version (although it’s still pretty much applicable). Also, the group selector is not very well designed (you have to be in at least two groups to see it). But, go ahead, bang on it, see what breaks. […]

October 22, 2007
What I Did Today

6:11 – Woke up to alarm, sat up in bed, stared out the window into the night wishing I could lay my head back down 6:15 – finally motivated myself to get up and go to the shower 6:34 – got out of the shower, went downstairs to put on my shoes, sat on the […]

October 15, 2007

I am so tired today. I just can’t seem to get any work done. It doesn’t help that my tasks for the day include “get the website working in Internet Explorer”. That’s what we call a motivation sinkhole. I just want to curl up in a soft blanket, with a good book and nice hot […]

October 13, 2007
Coming Soon!

Hey! So I’m sure some of you have heard me talk about the Christmas list website I wrote for my family a couple years back. Well, this year I’m opening it up to everyone. That’s right! Need to manage several lists among family members? Need to track who got what for whom, so you don’t […]

October 13, 2007
Prettifying URLs with Hot Regex Action

I have a little project written in Ruby on Rails called xmasgifts. It’s a really small application that helps my family coordinate Christmas wish lists with each other because we are geographically scattered, which makes it hard to keep up-to-date with who wants what, and more importantly, who’s gotten what for whom. The basic gist […]