So my last post was over a year ago. At the time, I had already stopped posting very many updates. It is interesting to me now how much facebook and the like have usurped this blog’s place in my life. I used to have thoughts, random or otherwise, and I would put them here. But now I just put them in my facebook status. I used to have dreams of building a network of friends and other people who would follow me here… but now I just have a bunch of friends on facebook. It’s another case of me rolling my own thing, then somebody else coming along and doing it better.
However! This blog still has a place in my heart. It’s been, I think, ten years since I first started it up; in those days I don’t think the word ‘blog’ had really caught on yet. I don’t even know if it was invented. I just called it the ‘updates’ section of my website. It was all hard-coded HTML in static files. Many people do still have blogs. It seems they typically post longer things to them, like essays or in-depth technical content. I would love to do that here, but we shall see. In the meantime, I have decided that once again I would like to start putting things on this site. I just finished upgrading WordPress from 2.1 to 2.9, which is rather a hefty jump, but one that went surprisingly smoothly. It seems to have lost all of my categories but… well, I think I can do without those.
Welcome back, me. It’s good to see you again.
May 5th, 2010 at 7:49 am
Doesn’t it seem difficult to do long form writing anymore? In the era of Twitter and such, 140 characters seems like plenty. In reality, it is certainly not enough to expound on a topic. The problem of talking about the now in tweets and statuses, rather than the big ideas that blogging lends itself to.
But doesn’t it feel good to be all cutting edge and junk?