If you are an Apple aficionado in any sense of the term, then the product cycle that’s floating around the web right now will sound entirely too familiar to you, and will probably have you laughing out loud because it’s just so true. Down to the nerd porn.
It seems to me that all the talk I see right now is about the iPod. I guess I hadn’t realized just how insanely popular they are, and just what kind of market share they really have. When Apple releases an update to this line, the online community explodes. It’s incredible how much power Apple has with regards to this product. My concerns at this point revolve around them being able to keep that market share. Inevitably, it seems, that while Apple comes out with it first, and it’s always better, the PC circles come out with a variant that sucks but is $75 cheaper, and Apple loses. Of course, people have been saying for many years that Apple’s one turn away from incinerating in a hole in the ground, and so far we haven’t seen much of that, and it gets less likely all the time.
In other Apple-related new, my new 12″ PowerBook is theoretically in the mail, working its way ever closer to my house. Experts predict hopefully that it will be within my possession as early as Monday. Pessimists wonder if I’ll have it before I head back to school.
They Might Be Giants has a new album out called “The Spine” which is pretty darn good. I was just listening to one of their previous new albums, Mink Car, which is only marginal, compared with the quality of an album like John Henry or Severe Tire Damage.
And that’s it, I’m going to bed.