Archive for July, 2004

July 31, 2004

New version of iTunesCheck. Fixes several bugs, adds a couple of new features. Probably introduces some more bugs, I didn’t see them during testing but I’m sure they’re there. If you want to figure out how good you can never get at drawing, then you should visit this guy’s website. He works at Blizzard. He […]

July 30, 2004
Etcetra Etcetra

If you are an Apple aficionado in any sense of the term, then the product cycle that’s floating around the web right now will sound entirely too familiar to you, and will probably have you laughing out loud because it’s just so true. Down to the nerd porn. It seems to me that all the […]

July 26, 2004
Drama: D&D Style

I was unaware of the quality and quantity of drama that D&D can dish out in about the space of two hours. For the non-geeks among you (which, I think, is all except one), you could probably stop reading here and not be any worse for it. But picture the situation: Three people; a wizard, […]

July 25, 2004
The Bourne Inferiority

While the title made me think of hot gun-shootin’ action, train-explodin’ action, and mad runnin-down-the-ally-doing-flips-off-the-walls action, there was, I think, only the gun shooting. And it wasn’t really that great. The thing to keep in mind about The Bourne Supremacy is that your expectations should be very low upon entering the viewing arena. Having set […]

July 23, 2004

I’ve got a new version of iTunesCheck out. It includes a couple of requested features, notably the ability to select a playlist to search during quick play. Included with this functionality is the capability to play songs from an attached iPod, an audio CD, or a shared library. I also fixed the bug where disabling […]