October 1, 2004 4:47 pm

So Qwest finally figured out that people using DSL instead of cable were sort of getting the speed shaft. When you’re talking about three megs down instead of 640k, well, you’re probably willing to deal with the fact that your upload isn’t as fast and you’re not on a dedicated loop. You’re probably willing to deal with things like port blocking and you’re going to figure out a way around that SMTP problem. I suspect that Qwest was losing a pretty studly amount of business to Adelphia for this reason, and they just realized it. Now they’re offering a meg and half down and like 896k up, which is more than twice as fast down and three times as fast up.

What that means to you, dear reader, is that the volume of data flowing from my computer to yours just jumped threefold. You should notice a speed increase. I just downloaded a file from my server and it peaked at about 60k/sec, which is more than the previous 25k/sec maximum. It should actually be faster than that, but, hey, who knows what terrible traffic issues are bogging down the internet right now (it’s seemed slower overall to me lately).

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