Apple sent me a few pictures to use as buddy icons. I guess they sort of got a new campus rep manager or something and he’s quite cool, he keeps sending us stuff. At any rate, they sent them to me, and I’m supposed to use them against you as some sort of “viral marketing” ploy. So here they are:
This week is dead week for us, meaning that, in theory at least, we’re not supposed to have much homework and so forth so that we can rest up and study up for finals next week. However, in practice that’s never the way it turns out. It is at this point in the semester that teachers generally come to the realization that they have failed to produce the requisite amount of work and they pile it on. “What? The semester is almost over? You must need three papers, then.” So dead week actually ends up being one of the busiest weeks of the semester. Obviously.
It seemed like I had more to say when I started writing this about forty-five minutes ago, but the TV distracted me completely. I watched an entire episode of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air about how Will becomes a car salesman and makes a bunch of money, so he quits college and then his mom comes and pulls on his ear and gets him back into college. It was all very inspiring and so forth, except that I got kicked out of the computer lab tonight whilst working earnestly because they close at the improbable hour of eleven. Which has nothing to do with anything, but I’m very tired right now and free association is happening pretty rapidly.
December 6th, 2004 at 11:31 am
Ahhh! Comment spam!
December 6th, 2004 at 1:01 pm
Yeah, wow. I don’t know what happened. The comment spam was relatively low until now, enough that I could just manually delete them. Then I checked my email and I had 47 new messages… The bot put a comment on each of my posts. Unfortunately, it was sophisticated enough to come from a different IP address each time, and from a wide range of them, too, so I can’t just block the IP or a subnet. I have a feeling it’s going to hit again. I might need to implement a comment filtering system, I’ve heard of something called Blackhole. We’ll see.
December 6th, 2004 at 9:02 pm