September 27, 2005 4:08 pm

This weekend I discovered the magic of flowers. You’re going to think I’m a loser after this, but let me explain anyway.

On Thursday I was politely informed that I was somehow negligent in my duties as a male human being. She said that she would be happy, nay, thrilled, to receive flowers from me, flowers of any kind, even if they were ugly or perhaps dead. I contended that she wouldn’t actually be happy to have dead flowers arrive on her doorstep, but she contested that she would. She said in no uncertain terms that she didn’t care if they were pretty flowers, she just wanted me to get them for her. I brought up the fact that I was pondering the occurrence of such an event but was still working on the details, such as what shop to order from, what kind of flower to get, how many of said flower or whether it should rather be a variegation, and the delivery time because I didn’t know if it was okay for them to arrive when she wasn’t home.

She has said before that I have a habit of criminally overthinking and overanalyzing things, and I have said before that I have a habit of overengineering things. It is for these reasons that I was shocked and amazed when she suggested that I simply “stop by the grocery store, pick some up, and bring them with you when you come to get me.” Could it really be that easy, I asked myself, Is it actually that simple?

My friends, I am here to tell you today that it is. On Friday when I went to pick her up, I first stopped at the grocery store and bought a small arrangement that seemed to me to be within the realm of what girls call “pretty” (obviously, being a guy, I had no idea, so I applied my powerful brain to the situation and came up with a respectable answer). Then, upon arrival at her domicile, I presented them to her. My memory breaks down at this point in the story, but I do remember a lot of smiling and other associated activity. All three of her roommates were located within the immediate area and they all came to see, like some sort of outing to a carnival. What I learned there is that flowers are not just enjoyed by The Girl, they are enjoyed by all the girls. Apparently, they also serve as some kind of reminder, and bring happiness throughout the lifetime of the flowers (and probably beyond – she has some roses in her room that have been there since she moved in which, although quite dead by now, she still likes).

I think the moral of this story is clear, and I only hope that you, dear reader, may benefit from the knowledge as handily as I have.

— Skankin’ Hankins

8 Responses to “On Flowers”

indorphin says:
September 27th, 2005 at 4:12 pm

You think she likes ’em when you bring ’em…wait till you get ’em delivered. She’ll really like that. (Because they’re more ‘spensive.)

El Charlito says:
September 27th, 2005 at 7:33 pm

I bought some flowers for Lisa, back on her birthday, and had them delivered to her at work in the middle of the day. = ) Unfortunately, because she’s already ‘reminded you’ about the flowers, you don’t have that ‘surprise round’ in which to penetrate her emotional flat-footed AC and score some extra damage (damage, of course, being extremely sexful in nature */zapp brannigan).

Sarah says:
September 27th, 2005 at 8:43 pm

I didn’t know how good it felt to be brought flowers until I got with Joe and he started buying them for me ^-^ I still have every single rose (and rose petal) he has ever given me since I dried them all, and I still look up at them and swoon. And since I’ve started living with girls, each time one of us gets flowers, everyone knows about it and gets excited…last year there was never a week that we didn’t have some flowers sitting on our kitchen table from one of the guys. It was wonderful.
And Steve speaks the truth…since Joe was gone last year for military stuff, for one occassion he had flowers delivered to me without me knowing about it, and there was lots of giddiness…it’s the most beautiful arrangement I’ve ever gotten, plus I got a vase and chocolate, and he knows that I would never let him spend money on me like that otherwise; essentially, it was really exciting…
I like to brag about Joe…. =)
So give your girl lots of reasons to brag about you, it’ll give her lots of smiles when she looks back on it later.
And the overengineering way of thinking…I feel you man. That is my everyday life. The only difference is, at this school, everyone does it….it’s when I’m out in the real world that I realize -I- am the odd one….

Allie says:
September 27th, 2005 at 11:04 pm

Isn’t my boyfriend the greatest??? I’m glad you signed your post Skankin’ Hankins, it made me smile!!

Mandy says:
September 28th, 2005 at 11:00 pm

Good job with the flowers! And yes, it is that easy.

Dan J. says:
October 2nd, 2005 at 4:51 pm

Flowers are a powerful tool in the world of girls, and yes they are quite an easy expression of care and thinking-of-youness. Way to go buddy, and we still need to align our iCal.

Allie says:
October 13th, 2005 at 1:58 pm

Your website is boring!! Post or something.

indorphin says:
October 14th, 2005 at 10:15 pm

Yeah, what she says. I see that you’re online all the time. I can’t imagine what you’re doing.