August 29, 2004 4:38 pm

I have a lot of things I could blog about, but I don’t really feel like talking in any detail about any of them, so I’ll just talk a little bit about all of them.

I’ve been getting comments from people lately. Keep them coming because I really enjoy them. I’ve also been getting comments for MOR VIGARA NOW!!!!!!!!111one, however, I’ve been deleting those right along. Somebody intoned that, unless Methias was a family heirloom, she expected to see him in a great deal of practical jokes. I took this up with the owner and he said that Methias is not an heirloom, so I guess you all know where that’s headed. We’re searching for a purple feather boa and a leopard print hat for him right now.

Someone else noted that Sales Training: Parte the Secunde is “Alright, now why aren’t you hitting quota?” However, I met with the rep who used to be and he said that it’s really not a sales job. In fact, there’s no way to track sales. So… well, that’s a relief. Interesting story about how he became rep: His friend had an iBook and he became quite smitten with it. Being a poor college student he couldn’t afford one, but he was so desperate that he would do anything. What he did do is email (That would be the email address for Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple) saying that if they gave him an iBook, he’d tell everyone he knew to go buy an Apple, etc. Of course he didn’t expect anything to come of it, he didn’t even know if sjobs was a real address. However, two weeks later the VP of Education contacted him about the Apple Campus Rep program. How’s that for cool?

On Saturday I woke up really early to help some people participate in the Urban Challenge in Denver. I was on the crack-team of dedicated Googlers figuring out the location of the clues. Our team came in 16th out of 50, which is pretty dang good, considering that we spent way, way more time than we should have looking for checkpoint 6, which was some obscure sculpture. Obscure enough to not be on Google, anyway, which is pretty damn obscure, IMO. My brother was also on the team of Googlers, and to aid our communication rate we set up an audio chat in iChat. For the four hours we worked it ran fabulously. If you’re wanting to do long-distance audio chat, you might consider buying a Mac for iChat alone, it’s that good.

I made a new website for iTunesCheck, check it out. I also released a new version, so you should grab that. We’ll see if VersionTracker and MacUpdate pick it up automatically this time.

I set up my cold cathode tubes behind the TV. It provides a very, very cool glow that this picture really doesn’t do justice to. I woke up from my nap today to find people I didn’t know sitting in my living room, playing games on my TV. Obviously when your TV is as great as ours is, then people want to come use it. But really, strangers? It was odd. I left them alone and they went away an hour later.

One Response to “Minutiae”

indorphin says:
August 31st, 2004 at 10:55 am
