September 9, 2004 9:53 am

I’m in Music of the People: Pop and Rock right now. It is just tremendously boring, and, unfortunately, the teacher is a fruit too. He’s talking about one-hit-wonder doo wop groups right now. I’m hungry, too. I’m hurt, I’m scared, and I gotta find a new job. The worst part is that he goes on and on and on about the same topic, long after everyone in the room has had time to fully comprehend the complexities of the point he’s making. Also, whenever he’s playing a song and he stops it short, he makes a point of mentioning it, which is just really annoying.

Yesterday I was eating lunch with one of the guys who lives across the hall from me. I’m not sure how this came up but we decided that it would be prudent if we started an art contest between the two of us. We have small dry erase boards on the wall outside our rooms, so that’s where our drawings are going to be. It’s going to be a weekly thing, and each week there will be a theme that our two drawings have to fit into. The first week’s theme is “Can of Peaches”. During the week, you can walk by our rooms and sign your name beside the drawing you think is better. Next Wednesday we’ll tally the votes and start a new contest, and I’ll snap some pictures and post them here. Our dorm was hopping last night, there was so much going on. We walked around and proselytized people to come vote, saying things like “Don’t lose your voice”, “20 million loud”, “Vote early, vote often”, and “Week One is Now”. We’ll see how that goes, right now I’m winning.

Class is over, thank God. And the person in front of me has a big wart on her ear.

One Response to “Class is So Boring”

indorphin says:
September 9th, 2004 at 11:13 pm

Lucky bastard. You can get to the internet in class. No dice for me, yet.