Right, so, Some People have contacted me about my site being down, which is a concept that, while my site was down, I had full time to entirely grasp, comprehend, and understand. Full meaning of my site being down has been gleaned by me. What it means is this – I have no platform for writing my thoughts, I can’t develop websites, and I can’t check my email.
The worst part is that when it came back up, I didn’t have any email.
The other worst part (really? because I thought pickle juice in your eye was the worst part) is that it’s my fault it was down. I removed my WAP from my network and neglected to ensure that I hooked things up properly when I was done. I promptly left town to come back to my dorm, and when I left, so did everyone else, leaving my house cold and lonely with a broken network. Somebody did some creative reengineering of cables at my behest and now it’s working again, to my pure and unadulterated joy.
Friends, I can offer you few cooler things than this picture, which might need to become your desktop after you load it. It’s the desktop on my phone. (My phone! My phone has a desktop picture! Who knew technology had come so far?)
After you’re done setting that, let’s jump into a discussion on the iPod shuffle and Mac mini. If you’ve been living in a cave on Mars with your fingers in your ears and your eyes tightly closed, you might not know what those things are, so just follow those links. It might take you some time to wrap your head around those two products conceptually, so just take it slow and don’t rush things, yeah? It’s odd that Apple’s new products, ever since the original iMac, generally take some time to get used to. Once you understand just what the hell Apple released last week, it’s time to understand the implications of these two products. I could imperfectly lay down my thoughts here, but Daring Fireball did it perfectly, so I’ll just hook it up. He has, IMO, done a stellar job of analyzing Apple’s motives for creating these things and predicting what their role should/will/can be. Nice job.
While I’m on the subject, DDR still has a stranglehold on me. I find myself playing it for at least an hour a day, sometimes two, and sometimes in multiple sessions. I’m getting better overall, but I’ve hit a plateau on the skill curve for the game so it’s getting a little frustrating. It remains to be seen if this plateau is the only one or merely the first in a series. I hope for the latter.
January 17th, 2005 at 3:41 am
Yeah, I was going to say something about the site being down but I’d assumed you realized that…guess I should have mentioned it.