January 18, 2005 1:53 pm

I’ve never really enjoyed pants to any extreme. I don’t like how constricting they are. I hate it when it’s really cold outside and then you come in and warm up, but it’s so warm inside that your legs get hot. To that end, I only wore shorts. (I also only wear hoodies, not jackets. It keeps you mostly warm outside and not horrendously hot inside, and you don’t have to bother with taking a jacket on and off) I used to only own one pair of pants, and it was the kind where the bottoms zip off and they turn into shorts. Even though I live in a relatively cold climate, with lots of snow and cold days, it wasn’t until I came back from Christmas break that I realized just how much more destructively cold it is in OMA than COS. I almost died walking to class one day, a horrible death, lying in a puddle of slush and salt deposits. It was then that I broke down and did something I thought I would never do, or at least not for a long time – I bought some pants.

Three pairs, in fact. I was so excited the next day to wear them and I’ve found out just how much warmer it is outside when your entire leg is covered. I’ve known for a long time that other people know stuff that I don’t, but I usually discount this knowledge as useless and not applicable to me. In this case, I’m not quite sure why I was so stubborn. Being warm rocks. Apparently I did a good job choosing my pants, too, because they are better at keeping out the wind than three layers of upper-body gamentry plus a backpack. I was downright toasty today, and it was one of the coldest, windiest, most gawdawful days I’ve seen here.

I discovered another boon to wearing pants. Because there’s more leg material, they have more room for the cargo pockets, so they’re larger. There are so many useful things you can put in these larger pockets. Besides the standard iPod/wallet combo, I also have pencils, books, cables… freakin’… bottles and shit… Bottles, man. Big ones, too. I almost don’t need a backpack anymore.

Bah, class is starting.

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