There was a time that I vaguely recall when each day was not fifteen hours long. There was a time when I was not exhausted. But I do not know the person who existed during that time, no, he is as unfamiliar to me as a manicure. Tonight, the night which was to be our free night for the week, the men decided (wisely) to serve dinner to all the ladies on project, a Herculean effort which has already earned us literal gold stars — mine is stuck to the binder which now contains most of my life. We went ahead and wrote them a poem as an invitation, and included 1 Peter 3:4 as part of the lyric. Everyone seems to be very excited, which of course is bad because they will be terribly disappointed by the evening as a whole.
Last Saturday we had a Decades Party, which is essentially just 80’s music with a few other older decades thrown in for good measure. Everyone dresses up in clothing from a particular decade and then comes to dance the early evening away. It doesn’t last until the early hours of dawn because we’re all so flippin’ tired all the time. At any rate, you can see my costume in the accompanying picture, I thought it was amazing but I might have been alone in that opinion. I’m sad to say that the large piece of bling around my neck broke at the end because of some frantic dancing. People said it was fun, and they also said I was a good MC, which made feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I’ve been feeling that way a lot this summer, I should probably get it checked out; maybe that Cheerio I ate off the floor which tasted funny gave me a lil somepin’ somepin’. I’ve been so sleepy the last two nights that I haven’t gone swimming which I’m all bummed out about. OH! I just remembered the funniest thing yet to happen to me on OSP. Here, I’ll tell you.
I’m working with Student Venture, which is the high school arm of Campus Crusade. Our supervisors wanted to get us “back in touch” with what high schoolers are all about (although it hasn’t been that long for me, the way the high school mind operates is no longer contained within the scope of my being), so they arranged to have us go talk to some students in summer school as a sort of panel about college, life, the universe, and everything. One girl there raised some point about abortion which started a raucous debate in the room. Fully ten minutes later she interrupted her own debate, and the following events occurred: “Not to change the subject, but I have another question. This one is for Eric,” she said as she flipped her hair to the side and began twirling it, “What are some of your hobbies?” Stunned silence exploded my mind to small bits as the rest of the room chuckled, and I finally came back and told her that I was interested in deep conversations, chocolate, and long walks on the beach. That got a good laugh out of the room and I think it was the right way to defuse the situation, but I don’t know. I don’t have very much experience being hit on by high school girls. Not that I’m anxious to.
Well, maybe I’ve wasted enough time here. In the comments of my last post somebody left a very rude notice that I “do nothing but sit at a computer all day” and that that, somehow, was grounds for more posts, which is clearly not true because that time spent at the computer is when I am working, working, they call me the working man. I guess that’s what I am.
June 21st, 2006 at 2:41 pm
Here’s what you have to know about high school girls now that you’re an old man.
They’re evil. Pure unadulterated evil. I have to work with them. Trust me. Especially them Florida ones. You can’t trust ’em. Next thing you know, you’ll be RETIRING there…and who wants that?
I mean, seriously. Aligators!?
June 21st, 2006 at 7:07 pm
i hope all of the lady mixing and such went well for you. you’re such a stud now . .. i ..uh . .i . . don’t even know what to do. what if you come back, and i can’t even help myself. . . i just involuntarily throw myself at you and am unable to remove my eyes from your glorious figure because i’m so passionately affixiated to your being? what then? huh? what then, craze? anyway, i’m not sure who you’re referencing about the heckling aimed toward your site, but i’m sure he/she has some mild point, although probably not being serious in his/her comment.
June 21st, 2006 at 7:09 pm
i now realize that, although it sounds good, “affixiated” is not a word. please substitute “affixed” when reading the previous passage.
June 21st, 2006 at 8:13 pm
eric. you are my hero.
June 22nd, 2006 at 6:44 am
I personally already know what it is like to be inextricably drawn to you. And I am currently asphyxiating on the lack of your presence, yes, choking upon your absence. I find myself turning to those around me to discuss the quality of a certain drink, or that idea I gained from that book I read, and to my horror I am facing sobriety and illiteracy at every turn.
Yes, Eric, grow and change as is necessary for I grok that is a goodness, but then get your scrawny self back to the REAL O-town!
also, good luck with the second half of project.
June 22nd, 2006 at 11:07 am
Maybe if you still had your bling she would have been too intimidated to hit on you . . . that reminds me though, I am going to try to create a Scars of Solace bling and make my teeth look platinum for a photo I hope to have on that “hippidy-hop” cd thing.
Seriously though . . . from gangsta to gangsta . . . thuggin ain’t easy
p.s. I put an awsome beatbox type lymric of true ebonism on the random poem section on SOS . . . look at it when you get a chance . . . IF you do, but get some sleep first.
June 22nd, 2006 at 5:52 pm
Glad to see you haven’t lost your charm or good looks. Hugs and kisses.
June 26th, 2006 at 1:11 pm
Wow, now even high schoolers are throwing themselves at you, you’ve become such a stud. What would you rate the awkwardity of that situation?? Anyway, glad you are having a good time.
June 26th, 2006 at 2:38 pm
The awkwardity of that situation was… let’s see here… “medium well”. So a 6/10.
June 27th, 2006 at 10:26 pm
Well if you need any pointers on how to deal with high school girls hitting on you, you know where to find me ;). Glad things are truckin’ along for ya and continue to enjoy your time.