Item the Firste: Powerthirst will give you uncomfortable amounts of energy. This video is a must see because it is utterly funny.
Item the Seconde: I wrote a little app using Grails. I had previously glanced askance (word power combo bonus x2) at it, but after writing an actual project I am quite taken with it. It is, perhaps, my new development environment of choice. I have always been a PHP man myself, so that is saying quite a bit. The application I wrote is a small ledger for my house. We have several people there and we need to keep track of things like rent, utilities, internet, and groceries. Some people purchase groceries together, and some don’t, so it can actually be a little bit complex to track everything, which is why I wrote the program. As a unforeseen benefit, it also nicely solves the new-old problem of “Four people are in a room. None of them have cash. Which one of them gets screwed by paying for everything on their card?”
Item the Thirde: Immediately upon releasing the ledger app to my roommates, one of them said, “When does Personal Ledger come out?” He was joking, but not really. The interesting thing is, I’ve been contemplating writing a very small, very basic self-accounting program for a while now. Off the top of my head, it would do two things: help you calculate a generic and flexible budget, and keep track of things like bills. I’ve tried to use Quicken like seven times before but it always ends up being too heavy, like killing a fly with a sledgehammer: usually you kill the fly but there’s a lot of collateral damage along the way. And anyway, it seems to me that a lot of what Quicken does has been superseded by online banking.
The purpose of this personal ledger which I’ve been contemplating has one purpose: to be useful to me in my specific situation. Obviously with only a little more work, I could tie it into the newly existent house ledger app and make it useful to me and the four other people who live with me. But what would it take to make it useful to a handful of other people? Certainly the house ledger tie in is absolutely worthless, and obviously we’re talking long tail stuff here so by handful I really do mean not many. So question: what do you use to keep track of your money right now, if anything? Is it your bank online? A general ballpark figure that you keep in your head? Is that okay with you or are you looking for something better? What would better look like? Maybe I’ll include it in my upcoming “Personal Ledger: So Small It’s Barely More Useful than Writing it Down on Some Paper and Keeping it in Your Pocket, but It Does the Math for You.”
Item the Fourthe: Grails really is Java. So that means it has to be hosted in a Java way. I had an exciting time getting Apache to talk to Tomcat through AJP this weekend (no, really, it was fun! I took like an hour). Unfortunately, DreamHost does not do JEE hosting, so that means if I wanted to put Personal Ledger Pro X Gold Ultimate Business Lite Edition out there for you to use, I would need to do something like move to Slicehost, which I am totally for since they seem awesome, but I would need to sever my contract at DH and get everything moved and blargh… in addition to doubling my hosting costs.
Acromania: Results are in, congrats to Dan for winning. Next time: EULA.
July 9th, 2007 at 9:08 pm
I’m going to really think about this next round instead of off the cuffing it.
I was a big fan of Quicken for a long time (Like the past four years) and my mom has used it forever. However, I’ve sort of just become content just checking how many bucks are in my account every couple days.
I don’t know what kind of other crap is out there, I seem to recall Chad just using an excel sheet or something. It was something similarly simple. I think I may benefit from keeping track of my finances better since I’ve got more transactions now with loans and crap. I’d really have to use it to make a good suggestion as to what features I need.
July 10th, 2007 at 1:47 am
Found on Microsoft Products: Extremely Useless License Agreement
July 12th, 2007 at 3:07 pm
I skipped last week in protest of losing with my superb LASER submission. I also lowercased the L. Same reason.
Eric Underestimates Leland’s Acronyms.
July 14th, 2007 at 8:09 am
Everyone Usually Laments Agreeing, that program sounds swift. I am currently of the ballpark figure in my mind, but kind of wishing I was a little more knowledgeable about my own finances. Keep up the good work.
July 16th, 2007 at 6:50 pm
Europeans Unanimously Love Americans
… least according to a pole I’m thinking of taking……I’ll probably just ask Pierce what he thinks of Americans and call it a day.
July 17th, 2007 at 9:56 pm
Expanded Universe Lost Assholes
July 20th, 2007 at 5:12 pm
since I’m no doubt the most anal finance person you know, I’ll put in my 2 cents. I used to use Quicken, but found it a bit much for basic stuff and didn’t do a good cash flow report that we need, so I created my own cash flow/ledger and budget in Excel (which is my favorite program ever). It does take me a bit more time than I’d like to spend to keep it updated, but the report is the most useful one we’ve used in 9 years.
July 23rd, 2007 at 3:54 pm
I hope that you spent your wondrous journey home from work pondering more thoughts to share and a fabulous new acromania for us!!
July 25th, 2007 at 9:40 am
SHANKINS!!!!! (yes, with an s) huuuuuuuuuurry!!!!!
July 31st, 2007 at 2:28 pm
Exacerbating Utilitarianism Leads to Anarchy
July 31st, 2007 at 7:32 pm
EULA: the newest, hottest, and hippest gear any “seasoned” adventurer can aquire for the very ‘reasonable’ price of the wearer’s soul.
Elemental Ultraviolet Liquid Adamantine
the material itself carries an automatic +5 morale bonus, just for being so cool. Not only that, it retains all of the adamantine properties. Plus, it’s liquid, and of course, ULTRAVIOLET! Who knows what that means, right? Who cares?! It has the word ULTRA. It must be cool!
Yeah . . . it’s that hip. In fact, way out in Gondor, they actually have named an Inn in its honor.
August 3rd, 2007 at 2:41 pm
Wow! Great submissions this time, folks. I’m proud of you for picking it up. Okay, so here are the runners-up: Cary, Charlito, Dan, and el. El Charlito, I choose YOU! Very good. Cary gains a level, Dan gets a .15 bonus, and el gets a 15% bonus for coming up with an acronym that is so contextually appropriate. Go ahead and check the scoreboard to see how you line up.